The New World Order
I have been writing for last few years about “the system” for want of a better term. I suppose that in broad terms “the system” is a way of expressing the existing order. This order was described by George H.W. Bush in 1991 as a “New World Order”, in a speech from the White House.
In the speech, Bush said:
“We have a real chance at this new world order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders”.
Bush was clearly pointing to a new era of global control, and those in Bush’s orbit proposed a neoconservative agenda where the reality of the “New World Order” was that the US became the world policeman backed by the United Nations.
After this time, there was a flurry of activity related to the need for action on “global warming” and the “climate crisis”. There was the Rio Earth Summit held in 1992. At the summit, “a new blueprint for action on the environment” was declared by world leaders. These leaders were almost all male (see photo below) – and wouldn’t be tolerated these days.
Figure 1. Photo of international leaders at the “Rio Earth Summit”
This then lead to the document titled Agenda 21, “a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”
Without any reference to or vote by “the people”, the Agenda 21 document was handed to bureaucrats throughout the world to implement. Just a few years ago, I came across the Australian version of this document which was handed down by diktat. The Australian government declared without any mandate, apart from a government official’s signature on a U.N. document, that:
“When the Australian Government signed Agenda 21 at the UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 it made a commitment that every local council in Australia would undertake a consultative process with their local community and achieve a consensus on the preparation of a Local Agenda 21 by 1996. A Local Agenda 21 is a long term strategic program for achieving sustainability in the 21st century which integrates environmental, social and economic objectives.”
Local residents did not realise that this dastardly initiative from the U.N. had committed local councils to a range of “sustainable” initiatives that were part of the “New World Order”. Without any electoral mandate, suddenly, local councils were requiring residents to fulfill various issues that U.N. bureaucrats had determined.
“We the people” had no idea that these decisions had been handed down by the globalists who were under the control of the Rockefeller family and other Rockefeller-influenced bodies like The Club of Rome, The Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Agenda 2030
The “sustainable development” bandwagon has rolled on relentlessly as “we the people” were kept in the dark and various well-paid bureaucrats wrote increasingly incomprehensible documents. The message though was clear: give us control of everything and everyone, and all will be well. Agenda 21 has morphed into Agenda 2030, with its sacrosanct 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Quite simply – they say that they want to “Transform our World”. What they don’t say is that this transformation means handing control over to a group of global technocrats.
Figure 2. Cover page of the UN Agenda 2030 document, where they want to “transform our world”!
Patrick Wood has pointed out in his recent writings that it is important to substitute the world “sustainable” (with which is hard to disagree), with the word “technocratic”. In essence, this word denotes a scientific dictatorship where scientists and engineers will control society with the main currency being energy. It is part of a cunning plan, commenced by the Rockefeller family in the early 1950s (please read Jacob Nordangård’s book: Rockefeller: Controlling the Game.
There has been a clear and relentless process to tie all countries into this global control agenda. Mysteriously named COP Conferences (titled probably so no one would know that these conferences seek to totally change our lives with signatures on incomprehensible documents) have been held every year since 1995. We are now up to COP29, which will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11-22 November 2024.
What is COP (the Conference of the Parties)? This is how the U.N. defines these events which seek to “transform” our lives by stealth:
“The COP is the supreme decision-making body of the Convention. All States that are Parties to the Convention are represented at the COP, at which they review the implementation of the Convention and any other legal instruments that the COP adopts and take decisions necessary to promote the effective implementation of the Convention, including institutional and administrative arrangements.”
COP is an administrative and legal framework that is adopted without any voters knowing or agreeing to the decisions that national leaders sign up to.
These conferences usually attract tens of thousands of bureaucrats and now these guys are serious. On the most recent update to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the U.N. bureaucrats try to overwhelm us with statistics:
169 Targets
3,967 Events
1,361 Publications
7,862 Actions
They are trying to overpower us and trap us into meekly complying with their agenda, and, so far, they have been successful.
International conferences each year, winning and dining national leaders, talk about the need for global action or we will all die – and our leaders comply, probably with behind-the-scenes use of carrots and sticks!
Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI)
The bureaucrats are relentless and have pushed their decisions down to local councils and unsuspecting ratepayers, who are trying to go about their lives and run farms, build houses and develop land, unaware of the dark hand of the U.N. behind everything. You can get some sense of how successful this has been when you view the fascinating series: Clarkson’s Farm.
In the television series, Jeremy Clarkson is not only battling the weather and the vagaries and challenges of farming life but the local council that is determined to put every impediment in the way of him making his farming enterprise profitable. These local councils have received directives from the UK government, via the United Nations and the COP conferences. Policies have been put in place by councils without any reference to voters and, indeed, without most voters even being aware. The whole situation is a collectivist dream done so effectively with “smoke and mirrors” that most people don’t understand and meekly comply.
You are probably wondering: could this be true? Yes – it is and the globalist “sustainability” diktats are being implemented through ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability – formerly titled International Council for Local Environmental Initiative.
It is notable that the group changed its name from a title that include “Local Environmental Initiative” to “Local Governments for Sustainability”. Collectivists are experts at hiding the real function of legislation and organizations behind positive-sounding names.
This group says that:
“ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network working with more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for zero emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. Our Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability.”
Note – the words “drive local action” in ICLEI’s mission statement. These folks are wanting to take us somewhere we don’t want to go – into a globally controlled new world order where we have no freedom to do anything that could impact “sustainability”.
My Campaign for Local Council
This introduction is a long-winded but important introduction for my Sons of Issachar readers about my campaign for the Snowy Monaro Regional Council. This is my local council, which has a very large geographic area – about 2/3rd the size of Wales and represents ~15,000 ratepayers. I am now in the last week of our election campaign which has been intense and focused on making local residents aware of the poor performance of the council via our substack: Back to Basics.
We have now published around 12 articles and we also have a companion website:
Figure 3. Title page of the website for the Reuben Rose Group, running to be councillors in elections on 14 September, 2024 for the Snowy Monaro Regional Council.
It has become clear, though, that the council is subservient to a bigger “system.” The current councillors feel that they have no freedom to take any action because they are subservient to the state government. The state government is then subservient to the federal government, which in turn is subservient to the United Nations and the cunningly constructed 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
I have attended several local “meet the candidates” meetings around the region and Sons of Issacchar readers may be interested to read an account of one of these on our substack:
Increasingly, I am realizing that we, like other local councils around the globe, are caught in a United Nations “sustainable development” pincer move, as they usher us toward 2030, where as the World Economic Forum famously told us: “we will own nothing and be happy”.
I am trying to ensure that at least for the Snowy Monaro region, we can fight for freedom and independence from the “New World Order”. It’s a tough fight but you have to start somewhere.
Because of the time-consuming nature of my election campaign, my newsletter is truncated this week and probably next. I do appreciate the interest and support of readers. If you would like to follow more detail, please subscribe to our Back to Basics substack (we are not looking for funds so just tick the free subscription box):