I have been occupied this last week, undertaking research about what happened leading up to the Trump assassination attempt, Joe Biden’s resignation and the remarkable ascension of Kamala Harris as the “saviour” of the USA. It has been challenging to develop a complete picture, and of course, it is probably impossible. However, I have been able to get an idea of some of the pieces of the puzzle and this week, I will try to assemble these pieces for my readers.
As I have reflected on the trail of bread crumbs that have led the mainstream media and political commentators to various conclusions, I have realized that now more than ever, the hypothesis proposed in the four-part film series The Matrix is more valid than we have understood. I, like many of my readers, have a sense that something is wrong with the world and that dark elements are in control and preventing us from knowing the truth.
In an early scene in the first Matrix movie, Neo (the saviour figure) meets with Morpheus, who is the resistance leader. Neo knows that “there is something wrong with the world”. Morpheus says to Neo:
“I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole…you have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he's expecting to wake up. Ironically this is not far from the truth”.
Morpheus says that:
“The Matrix is everywhere…Is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth - that you are a slave Neo like everyone else. You were born into bondage; born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch; a prison for your mind”.
Neo is then offered the opportunity to know the truth and he is offered a choice.
Morpheus says:
“This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to… You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember all I'm offering is the truth nothing more.”
Neo takes the red pill.
What I am trying to do with the Sons of Issachar Newsletter is, in essence, what Morpheus offers Neo: “All I’m offering is the truth, nothing more”.
Truth, though, seems a rare commodity these days, and it is difficult to find through mainstream sources. Here is a look behind the scenes at what I have been able to elucidate using the “red pill” this week.
The Kamala Harris Ascendancy
Joe Biden, after saying he would only drop out of the presidential race if he “heard from the Lord Almighty, suddenly resigned by a post on X on Sunday afternoon, 21st July. One can only assume that the “Lord Almighty” and Barack Obama (Nancy Pelosi or President Xi) are synonymous!
Biden’s resignation once again brings into focus the question of who is in charge of the US. There was suspicion that Biden’s X post was made by someone other than Joe because his resignation was not on campaign letterhead, the signature was different from his official signature, Biden was not seen or even provided a video, and no reasons were given for his resignation. Later, his press spokesman said that the resignation was not because of a medical condition. Moreover, since his resignation, Biden has been rarely seen, while the world deteriorates.
One can only assume that Nancy Pelosi offered Joe a stark choice (like in the Godfather - an offer he couldn’t refuse - or Nancy’s “the hard way”). It looks even more suspicious when an Executive Order giving delegated authority to the Secretaries of State and Treasury was issued on 22nd July (perhaps Mr Blinken and Ms Yellen are now in charge of the US?) before Joe Biden was seen.
Undoubtedly, more will become known when the inevitable leaks from White House staff appear in the next weeks. All these anomalies point to key figures with power and influence operating behind the scenes and giving Joe an ultimatum.
I have been stunned this week by the media attention given to Kamala Harris, whose most important record in the US Senate is as its most extreme left-wing member. In fact, her voting record was even more “liberal” than “Commie” Senator Bernie Sanders, who chose to honeymoon in the Soviet Union.
Megyn Kelly spoke to Ben Shapiro this week about the media fawning over Kamala Harris. It makes you wonder who is directing the “all-in for Kamala” campaign?
Megyn Kelly said: “..The reinvention of this woman as truly a Jesus-like figure is kind of stomach-turning.” She replayed some of the commentary on television, which included these statements mainstream political commentatots about Kamala:
“We spent three weeks sitting outside the ICU with a death-watch for democracy. One little heartbeat of hope. Kamala Harris raising her hand and saying: ‘I'll take care of this’;
“ That is the type of grassroots mobilization and engagement that does remind me of Barack Obama”
“Recognize what Vice President Kamala Harris has been able to accomplish in less than one week: a thunderous crescendo rumbling its way across every corner of American political and civic and cultural life ”;
“The crown jewel of endorsements for any Democrat President Barack Obama officially endorsing vice president Kamala Harris”
“They’re just so excited; they’re so energized. Just walking through the streets every other conversation on the street was: “Who should be her running mate ?’;
“There was a twinkle in her eye. I got chills when she said, ‘Donald Trump, I know your type. I was blown away. I kind of fell in love with her”.
Remarkably, the Democratic Party is running a campaign with the message of Donald Trump being “a threat to democracy”. However, Kamala has been “anointed” by Democratic Party bosses without any reference to the 14 million delegates who voted for Joe Biden in the Democratic primaries. Even Black Lives Matter, the notorious Marxist organization has complained about the “undemocratic selection of Kamala Harris” and labelled the Democratic Party as the “Party of hypocrites”.
One great comment I heard this week was that the Democratic Party selection procedure bore a great resemblance to selection processes at the time of Stalin in the Soviet Union. One commentator said that perhaps it could even be called: “Communism with American characteristics”, in a nod to Deng Xiaoping’s famous quote.
Kamala Harris’ extreme left-wing positions on everything, her failure to control the southern US border, her support for Big Government, and her advocacy for equity (“everyone ending up at the same place”) have been pushed into the background. Suddenly, there are “white dudes for Kamala”, and “white women for Kamala” raised millions when 164,000 white women were said to have “broken Zoom”.
Hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised in the space of one week and so the obvious question is: who benefits?
The Democratic Party has decided to “go for broke” in identifying as sexist and racist, anyone who is opposed to the Vice President. Senator JD Vance, Trump’s running mate, has come under relentless attack by the mainstream media and has been called “fake” and “weird”.
It will be a tough road ahead for the Trump-Vance campaign, with more than 90% of the media promoting stories about how Trump and Vance are dangerous to freedom and that “democracy is under threat” (no one ever says how!).
Kamala Harris has been able to avoid any serious questions from the media since her “anointing” and has changed her position on just about every policy position that she promoted when she ran for President in 2020. Her handlers are attempting to have her “fly below the radar” as they focus attention on Trump and Vance. The approach could just be successful and to date, they have been able to avoid in substantive interviews or scrutiny.
Clearly, Kamala is just a puppet and the Democratic Party powerbrokers have been operating behind the scenes, transferring their allegiance (and around US$200 million) from Biden to Harris. Party officials had their hands tied in their candidate choice because if it wasn’t Kamala, the money raised to date for the Biden-Harris campaign may not have been available.
Given the ruthless nature of the Democratic Party machine, Kamala better take great care.
It looks as though Biden was set up to fail in his debate with Trump on July 27th, and his minders must have decided that Joe had to go. Looking ahead to the outcome of the Presidential election, there is too much that the permanent administrative state has to lose to allow Trump to win. I believe that we will see a range of media attacks on Trump and Vance to try to remove them as a threat.
Biden was looking uncompetitive, so he was taken out. The Democratic Party and their media assistants undoubtedly still have many other tricks up their collective sleeves, which will be pulled out over the final three months of the campaign.
Biden was removed by the Democratic Party powerbrokers after Nancy told him that it was going to be “the easy way or the hard way”.
There must have been intense behind-the-scenes manoeuvring, because it was reported that Barack Obama threatened Biden with the use of the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution, saying he had Kamala’s approval. The 25th Amendment was “proposed by Congress and ratified by the states in the aftermath of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation.”
The Democrats are a “take no prisoners” political party, and those who fail to fall into line can expect trouble. Undoubtedly, Kamala has received the message, including that from the Trump shooting.
The Party and the press will protect Kamala and shield her from any real interrogation. Donald Trump is struggling to find a message that resonates with voter about the danger of a Harris presidency, and time is running out. However, a lot could change in the next 95 days.
The Trump Shooting
The rise of St Kamala, the saviour of the nation, has pushed the Trump shooting off the front pages of the newspapers.
However, it is not impossible that the malign forces within the “Deep State” were involved in Trump’s attempted assassination. Alex Newman from the New American posted a very interesting analysis in the last few days with this video on Rumble . So many “mistakes” were made by the Secret Service, and there has been so little transparency since the event that even the most naïve person must be suspicious about the involvement of the “Deep State” in the shooting.
There is no congressional oversight of the CIA, and it seems likely that this secret agency would have many clever ways of ensuring that Trump does not win in November. Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Party leader in the US Senate, has even said: “If you take on the Intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you”.
Senator Ron Johnson (Republican senator from Wisconsin) had so little confidence in the government’s investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump that he and his team did their own iinitial nvestigation and published a 13-page report on 21st July. Here are the key findings of his report:
“The lack of transparency from federal entities regarding the July 13, 2024 assassination attempt—which left former President Trump wounded, one rallygoer dead, and two other spectators critically injured—is unacceptable. Senator Johnson’s office began contacting federal, state, and local government entities as well as private companies seeking information about the security failures at the July 13, 2024 Butler rally. Here are some key-takeaways the senator’s office has learned to date:
Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to local special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and sniper teams the morning of July 13, 2024;
Local law enforcement said communications were siloed and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with Secret Service;
Local law enforcement notified command about Crooks prior to the shooting and received confirmation that Secret Service was aware of the notification;
Following the shooting Secret Service was seen on the roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) building with local law enforcement; photos of the shooter were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for facial recognition; and
Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement.”
Senator Johnson’s statement issued on the 21st July also provided stern warnings to US government agencies:
“On July 14, 2024, Senator Johnson wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray demanding a preservation of records, information relating to the security of the Butler rally, background information on the alleged gunman, and all texts and communications between law enforcement agents, including Secret Service personnel, relating to the rally from July 11, 2024 to July 14, 2024. To date, the Department of Justice (DOJ), DHS, and FBI have failed to provide any of the requested information and have not even confirmed that they will preserve the relevant records. The federal agencies’ continued lack transparency with both Congress and the American public is entirely unacceptable.”
There is good reason to suspect that the US Justice Department, the FBI and DHS have staff who believe the collectivist rhetoric that “Trump is a Nazi” or “Trump is a threat to democracy” and so it seems likely that there will be a cover-up related to the shooting. At a very minimum, there was gross incompetence within the Secret Service, and many people should be dismissed. In the worst-case scenario, there could be a secret plot within the intelligence organizations to take out Trump and make it appear as though it was a lone crazed gunman.
In my newsletter from 13 July 2023, I highlighted Fergus O’Connor Greenwood’s important book 180°. This book demonstrates clearly that for many key events in history, we need to have a 180° inversion of the narrative that has been promoted by the government and mainstream media. So in relation to what is happening in the US at the moment, having a 180° inversion of the mainstream narrative may get us all closer to the truth.
Where Is This Going and What Does It Mean?
If you read the tea leaves, you can draw some conclusions based on significant evidence that the “Deep State” has been at work to remove Donald Trump and promote what George H.W. Bush in 1990 called the New World Order. This started early in the Trump presidency, and I’ll highlight just a few events:
Hillary Clinton’s dirty tricks team produced the fake Russian dossier that was used to surveil the Trump campaign;
The removal of Trump’s choice of National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn, before Trump was even sworn in;
FBI officials, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (who were in a romantic relationship), had plotted against Trump before the 2016 election. Amazingly enough, these “Deep State” operatives, have just this week received a settlement from the Justice Department of $2 million despite their illegal behaviour. The settlement was because they claimed that the Justice Department had violated the Privacy Act by releasing their treasonous texts.
Democratic congressional representatives called for Trump’s impeachment on the day of his inauguration;
Trump had two impeachment processes undertaken by the Democrats, one of which was because he came too close to the truth about Ukrainian corruption and the involvement of the Biden family;
There were constant leaks from Trump’s “Deep State” staff who were committed to bringing him down;
When the Hunter Biden laptop became known just before the 2020 election, 51 key former intelligence operatives claimed that it was fake and had “all the hallmarks of a Russian intelligence operation.” Because of the statement by the former intelligence officers, the Hunter Biden laptop story was widely censored on the internet. Most commentators believe that had the story been promoted, Biden would have lost the election. The FBI has since admitted that the information on the laptop was genuine;
Trump has been relentlessly pursued with “trumped up” legal cases that most legal analysts believe have no validity;
Finally, malign forces sought to have him taken out permanently.
There are many other events that I could have included, but you can see that even though Trump may engender suspicions that he may be part of a global cabal (and I have previously noted his role in enabling the rapid development of the dangerous mRNA vaccines through Operation Warp Speed), every supporter of the UN’s global agenda is against him, which must indicate that he may still have much to commend him.
The Global Agenda
James Corbett has highlighted the globalists’ plans in his Corbett Report, for the past 20 years. In one of his recent reports, Mr Corbett provides an overview of the globalists’ blueprint, which has a history of more than 150 years. I have included below an abbreviated format of his most recent post on substack:
Proponents of a globalist government included: Cecil Rhodes (“Rothschild-financed mining monopolist who helped foment the Boer War (though he certainly is that!). You'll also know that Rhodes started a secret society modeled on the Jesuits for the purpose of forming a one-world government to be ruled over by "the English-speaking races.”); HG Wells proposed that after violence “Democracy must pass away inevitably by its own inherent conditions, as the twilight passes, as the embryonic confusion of the cocoon creature passes, into the higher stage, into the higher organism, the world-state of the coming years.” …”Wells' heralded global government will measure out each citizen's merits and demerits and decide if he is worthy of life. If deemed "life unworthy of life" by the world technocrats, that citizen dies.”
Cord Meyer -“History knows him as the CIA agent whose wife was sleeping with JFK…Corbett Report members know him as the man whom E. Howard Hunt fingered as one of the key figures in the JFK assassination….In 1948, the reading public knew him as the president of United World Federalists, Inc.—or, as Life magazine memorably dubbed him, "the master salesman for world government.
James P Warburg - If you've seen Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve, then you'll recall that one of the key architects of the Jekyll Island conspiracy that gave birth to the Federal Reserve was Paul Warburg, heir to the Warburg banking dynasty and son-in-law of Solomon Loeb of the famed New York investment firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Company….Warburg was quoted as saying: “I think the essential thing we should undertake is that we declare our willingness to participate in some sort of world organization capable of enacting, administering, interpreting, and, enforcing world law, whether you call it a federation, a government, or world order, I don't think that matters.”
Paul Ehrlich - Remember Paul Ehrlich? You know, the lying Malthusian fearmonger whose every prediction about overpopulation causing the impending collapse of civilization has been proven completely wrong time and time again?
“In other words, a world government would have responsibility for deciding the "optimum population" of the planet. And, in order to ensure that optimum population, anything, up to and including forced abortions and forced sterilization, is permissible.”
George HW Bush – during his 1990 speech after the collapse of the Soviet Union said: “We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a New World Order—can emerge: a new era—freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.” ….However, Corbett writes that :
“Here in 2024, we all know what actually resulted from those valiant-sounding words: the launching of the first Gulf War; the betrayal of the Kurds; the abandonment of the Iraqi people; the imposition of crippling sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children (but it was "worth it") and lined the pockets of corrupt globalists; and, eventually, Gulf War II, which was directed by Bush's son and led to the death of a further million Iraqis.”
Gordon Brown - after the GFC in 2008, Brown said at the G20 London Summit: “e believe that global problems require global solutions. [. . .] I think a New World Order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation. We have resolved that from today we will together manage the process of globalization to secure responsibility from all and fairness to all, and we've agreed that in doing so we will build a more sustainable and more open and a fairer global society.” Brown’s idea also echoed by the Vatican
Brown also called for “temporary world government” to tackle the coronavirus outbreak”.
James Corbett’s assessment is supported by Dr Jacob Nordangård, who over the last few years in his books and substack posts has highlighted the extraordinary plans of a range of globalist groups to rule the world, including the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and many private billionaires through groups such as The Club of Rome, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bilderberg Group In one of his recent posts, Dr Nordangård notes the relentless progress of the globalists in every area, and who are influential in many places behind the scenes. These guys are serious and Dr Nordangård writes:
“The end goal is the creation of “One World”. A global ecological model society with a stabilized climate/controlled population growth (New Paradigm). After the steel bath and the “reform era”, according to Raskin, “paradise” will appear through the establishment of the “Commonwealth of Earthland”.
Although they are megalomaniacs, it seems wise to take the globalists seriously and Klaus Schwab and his minions at the World Economic Forum weren’t joking when they told us that by 2030 “we would own nothing and be happy” (except the “be happy” part!).
The Trump shooting, Biden resignation and Harris ascendancy have many sinister elements which alert us that hiding behind the scenes, there are various sinister hands. Nothing is as it seems and perhaps our best option is to swallow the red pill and take viewpoints that are 180° from those that are being promoted to us.
The drama that has been unfolding as the US elections progress toward the 5th November dénouement tells us that much is at stake. There is a global leviathan or behemoth that seems to be lurking behind the scenes in many organizations, even down the local council level. The events of the last weeks remind me that we are in a spiritual conflict. St Paul in his various New Testament writings, emphasizes the spiritual war in which we find ourselves. Dr Ralph W Wilson writes:
“The key to spiritual strength is to tap into "his mighty power." The way you do this is to equip yourself with all the means of strength Christ has given you. "Put on the full armor of God," rather than go out to battle with only part of your equipment on. If you dress fully for battle, you can then "take your stand against the devil's schemes." Without full protection, we're likely to get beaten up…..Paul reminds us that we fight against spiritual entities in the heavenly realms, not humans.,, "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." (Ephesians 6:13).
It is difficult to fully understand and apply St Paul’s admonitions, but one of the important tools that I often forget and that St Paul emphasizes, is prayer. Prayer to Jesus, who sits at the right hand of God, is powerful in the spiritual realm.
The globalists may be relentlessly making their way toward world dominion, but there is One greater who will have the final say.
Watch Out for the Iranians
Over the last few months, as Hezbollah lobbed increasing numbers of rockets into Israel, a full-blown conflict between Israel and Lebanon has seemed more likely. Following the shocking loss of life earlier this week when an Iranian rocket from Lebanon hit a soccer field in the Golan Heights, Israel killed Hamas’ political chief, Ismail Haniyeh on Wednesday in Tehran, and also took out a Hezbollah commander in Beirut, and confirmed the death of another Hamas leader in Gaza.
Iranian leaders are outraged and Iran now poses a real nuclear threat. Most commentators believe that Iran already may have acquired or be close to acquiring a viable nuclear weapon. The Biden administration’s financial support for Iran has destabilized the Middle East, and there is further trouble to come.
Sam Faddis, the former CIA agent, has some interesting analysis about the Iranian threat in his recent substack article. Faddis writes:
“Secretary of State Blinken says the Iranians are within a week or two of having enough highly enriched uranium to build nuclear weapons. What he will not say is that our intelligence on this topic is terrible, and the Biden administration has no intention of changing course. The Iranians may start building nukes next week. They may already have a dozen of them and the delivery vehicles to carry them to their targets.
Months ago Iran launched a massive missile attack on Israel. Its surrogates continue to attack our forces with impunity, and the Houthis have all but closed the Red Sea. Our response has been so tepid as to be meaningless.
If you were in power in Tehran, would you wait for Trump to return to the White House? Unlikely. At a minimum, you would conduct a nuclear test and declare openly that you were now a nuclear power. You might well go further. For men who believe paradise awaits them after death in the service of Allah, perhaps now is the time to declare their nuclear status by literally wiping Israel from the face of the Earth.”
Mr Faddis makes the point that Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups are operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and that the terrorist groups can’t be confined to offshore locations.
“The radical Islamic threat does not end at the water’s edge. We have no borders. Homeland Security has admitted that an ISIS-K smuggling network has moved hundreds of individuals onto our shores. We have no idea how many others are here. Coordinated attacks could begin tomorrow, and we would be caught completely flat-footed.”
Sam Faddis has no good news to give us in his assessment of various global threats:
“Around the world, there are a seemingly endless number of such nightmare scenarios. We are not prepared for any of them. Our weapons stockpiles have been depleted to arm Ukraine. Our military is crippled by DEI initiatives. Our strategic petroleum reserve has been drained….and we still have many months to go with Biden in charge. January 2025 may bring a new day, but we still have to get there. We still have to run the gauntlet as every enemy we have takes advantage of the openings Joe has provided.”
Technocrats and the Trump Campaign
For those who would like to believe that Donald Trump could be the saviour of America and the world, Patrick Wood, the technocracy guru provides some warnings in a post this week on his Technocracy News website. Wood writes:
“In Peter Thiel’s (the founder of PayPal) eyes, he has scored the major coup of his lifetime in taking over the Republican party for Technocracy. Read this article and ponder: “Because JD Vance, the new potential VP, is Thiel’s creature. He is a man Thiel molded in his own image through lavish investments in his business and political careers.” Thus, the Populist movement has fully merged with Technocracy to move forward as Technopopulism.
President Trump is a willing participant and has lavished praise on Thiel, Vance, and Elon Musk, who has also endorsed Trump with a pledge of $45 million per month.”
Wood cites an article in the Guardian by Carol Cadwalladr, who has incisive observations about the technocrats lining up to back Trump:
“A week in which Donald Trump not only appointed a tech bro to be his second in command, choosing Senator JD Vance to be his VP, but in which he received the benediction of the tech bro-in-chief, Elon Musk.
Musk has said he will donate $45m a month to Trump’s campaign, though his ongoing endorsement on X, the platform he bought and owns, is worth countless millions more.
But it’s some lesser-known figures in Silicon Valley who last week boarded the Trump bandwagon who are perhaps even more telling. Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, who own one of the most storied and influential venture capital (VC) firms in Silicon Valley, have declared they’re all in for Trump alongside a host of lesser-known but important names who have either followed suit or who beat them to the punch, including the Winklevoss twins and investors and podcast hosts Chamath Palihapitiya and David Sacks……….Because JD Vance, the new potential VP, is Thiel’s creature. He is a man Thiel moulded in his own image through lavish investments in his business and political careers. Thiel gave Vance a job at his VC firm, Mithril Capital, backed him to start his own venture fund, Narya Capital, then later invested $15m in his successful run for the senate.”
Ms Callawalladr clearly has a left-wing viewpoint which is probably mandatory for a Guardian journalist. Nonetheless, she raises important concerns about the roles of billionaire technocrats and their influence in US politics.
Of course, almost the whole of Silicon Valley is aligned with the Democratic Party but there has been a falling-out between Elon Musk and the Biden administration. An article this week in the Wall Street Journal provided interesting inside information about how Joe Biden’s repeated snubs of Musk have resulted in Musk throwing his support behind the Republicans.
UK Labour Signals Tax Increases and Prioritizes Socialist Policies – No Surprise Here!
Sir Keir Starmer and his “red flag” comrades have been in power in the UK now for almost one month and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, has pulled a cynical move out of the political playbook. In a speech this week to the UK Parliament, Reeves said that she has suddenly “discovered” a £22 billion black hole in public finances. The Conservative Party warned that Labour would increase taxes and now there is a pretext for tax rises to fund Labour’s pet projects.
Madeline Grant wrote a fascinating article this week in the UK Telegraph, titled The truth about Starmer’s Labour has been exposed, and it’s dreadful. Here are some extracts from her article:
“As anyone with insomnia will tell you, in their speeches, the Prime Minister and Chancellor talk a good game about “putting country before party” and being a “government of service”. There is endless chat about safety and responsibility.
All well and good, until you consider the policies this supposedly cash-strapped Government chooses to prioritise. … across the board, they’re reverting to their Leftist comfort zone, often for cynical reasons.
The evidence? It’s manifold. Consider the eco-lunacy. Not only do we have the resurrection of a pledge to spend £11.6 billion on overseas “climate aid”, we remain straddled with a commitment to decarbonise the grid by 2030. … not one authoritative voice seems to think it is achievable, at least not without serious costs as yet unexplained.
Having said during the general election campaign that its net-zero policies would reduce household bills by £300, Labour has quietly shelved this pledge … The truth, of course, is that the party’s fantastical policies are only likely to impose additional costs on households.
Health Secretary Wes Streeting talks a good game on the other worst-kept secret in British politics: that the NHS leaks money like a sieve and urgently needs reform. However, when it comes to actual policy, the direction of travel is less certain.
Junior doctors were doubtless underpaid and the NHS has experienced problems with retention and recruitment. But the Government’s offer of a 22 per cent pay rise – and particularly the hasty way it’s been managed – could set off a cascade of similar demands across the public sector; ….
Nurses are already wondering if they can get more. And why wouldn’t they? What does it say that a Chancellor who is supposedly committed to making tough decisions awards substantial pay rises to public sector workers with no apparent requirement to improve productivity at the same time?...
Labour’s general policy towards the unions seems to consist of a touching belief that simply “being nicer” and talking more, will be enough to engineer the Government’s desired outcomes….
Then there’s Israel. It remains to be seen if the Government will proceed with an embargo on arms sales to Jerusalem, but … a decided pivot in policy towards the embattled state, prompting both the Chief Rabbi and president of the Board of Deputies to air their concerns.”
Ms Grant notes that UK Labour has dropped objections to the International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for the Israeli Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Labour also has reinstated funding to the corrupt United Nations refugee agency, which seems to have been staffed by Hamas operatives. These policies appear to be targeted at appeasing the Muslim supporters of Palestine who now have significant leverage in UK politics.
As I wrote some months ago, Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour government will implement policies that ensure that everyone in the UK is equally miserable. The misery could reach its peak in the English winter.
For my UK readers - Australia is still a very pleasant place to be in the December-January period, if you can find a tax-deductible reason to travel - a study tour?
US (UK and Australia) Unprepared for Major War
Following the recent assessment by a UK General that Britain: “may not be fully prepared to fight full-scale war alone”, a similar assessment has been made of the US’ capability. Meanwhile, a former Australian army chief has commented that “the Australian Defence Force is a strategic liability for the US”.
I am dusting off my “Welcome President Xi” poster to install on the front gate!
The US’ lack of preparedness for war was highlighted in a substack post by Leo Hohmann this week. Mr Hohmann writes:
“The U.S. military is no longer prepared to fight a major war, according to a new study conducted by a congressional panel. This dire sense of unpreparedness strikes me as odd given the fact that the U.S. military and its overseers in the political realm seem to be itching to start a major war with the very powers — Russia-China-Iran-North Korea — that its own experts say it’s unprepared to fight.
According to the report, the threats the U.S. is facing are “the most serious and most challenging” it has seen in almost a century. But the U.S. defense base is not equipped to meet those threats, according to a report from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy published July 29 by the Rand Corp.”
As I wrote about last month, there has been a long-term policy by the neoconservatives (“neocons”) to promote US dominance. Neocons believe that “security is best attained by using US power to spread freedom and democracy, if necessary by force and without international cooperation”.
Mr Hohmann concludes his article as follows:
“The current foreign policy based on meddling in other countries’ internal politics and economics has created an environment in which America is seen as an international bully that needs to be countered. And the only way to counter a bully is to take up sides with the bully’s biggest adversaries, China and Russia. That’s the whole reason behind BRICS. Fear of U.S. economic sanctions is fueling the growth of BRICS, with up to 40 nations now trying to join that 10-nation coalition led by Russia and China.”
It is certainly concerning that Western governments' policy positions seem to be pushing us toward further global instability and expanded conflicts. Leo Hohmann writes:
“If the U.S. government continues on its current disastrous path, it will experience a nasty comeuppance, likely within the next one to three years. That comeuppance will consist of economic collapse and possible nuclear destruction.”
Donald Trump has been warning us about the danger of WWIII and Mr Hohmann agrees.
Great analysis, Reuben! Believe it or not, the Trump assassination attempt happened only 10 miles from our home! We live in Butler, Pennsylvania, US. My husband attended the rally with a friend (!) So we, too, have been analyzing and over analyzing what just happened and what is coming.