The last Sons of Issachar Newsletter until late February 2023
In reviewing the last 12 months, I was surprised to find that my first edition of the Sons of Issachar Newsletter was sent out to unsuspecting friends and family on 10th February 2022. Having received no death threats, I decided to continue!
My aim in that first publication and since then, was to provide information and perspective to friends and family that was not available in the mainstream media, having seen the silencing of many highly credentialed doctors who were critical of the COVID-19 “vaccines”. I told my new readers the following:
“I have called the newsletter “Sons of Issachar News” because the sons of Issachar (see 1 Chronicles 12:32) “understood the times and knew what Israel should do”. This is quite an interesting link. The Sons of Issachar were an Israeli tribe that were critical to King David’s success at a time when there were many difficulties for the kingdom, and this was now more than 3,000 years ago.
Today – we don’t lack information but we do lack perspective and wisdom. I hope that I can help readers with a perspective that has been honed over the years through the viewpoint of the Bible combined with thousands of hours perusing what I believe are reliable information sources.”
Since then, the Newsletter has been published weekly and this is the 45th issue. Because there was feedback that many people didn’t have the time to read, I started to record the newsletters as a podcast about 6 months ago. It takes me about 25 to 30 hours per week to research, write and record the newsletter and so I have spent more than 1,000 hours this year on this “work”. Some weeks I feel as though it is a lot of effort for a small group of readers, who already have too much to read and too much to do. However, if nothing else, it has been a good discipline for me to have to consider what is happening in the world and hopefully provide some perspective of the “signs of the times”.
I thought I would take the opportunity this week leading up to Christmas and end of the year, to review some significant events and the “signs of the times” that I think have been the most important for readers over the last 12 months and an indicator of future challenges. I am taking a break from writing the Newsletter over the Australian summer to do some detailed writing for a book on wisdom. I anticipate that the Newsletter will be back some time in late February, 2023.
I believe that the most important sign of the times was the COVID-19 “pandemic” because this has led and will lead to further government overreach and ultimately the total loss of our freedoms. Undoubtedly it is a prelude to a coming global government and the requirement to take a “mark” to buy and sell, as outlined by the Apostle John more than 2000 years ago (Revelation 13:15-18) when such a mark didn’t make sense – how could it be applied and used? Now, the way that a “mark” could be implemented globally, as some form of digital ID has become increasingly clear. Undoubtedly, we saw a precursor during the COVID-19 lockdowns with the widespread requirement for “vaccine passports” and using QR codes to reveal your location to sign in for basic activities.
The Globalist Agenda
Most people that I talk to think that an agenda for a one world government is just a weird conspiracy theory but it is clear that when you line up the facts, it is a very credible conclusion. The idea of a global government has long been a desire of those looking for a “new world order” and the first serious attempt was back in ancient times with the building of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). In modern times, it is probably the League of Nations that was set up following WWI. After its collapse and then WWII, there was another attempt at a form of global government with the United Nations (UN) being constituted. Since then there has been an ongoing attempt to make this the pre-eminent global legal and constitutional body, with national sovereignty being supplanted. The UN and its satellite groups have been active in all areas but have gained power in the areas of climate change and health. There has been a relentless push for global control of energy because of the “climate crisis” and the various climate change annual COP conferences – most recently in Egypt (COP27 ) - have promoted the need for global action to prevent “mass extinction”. The World Health Organization (WHO) – also - in relation to future pandemics and the ability to impose various conditions on countries during a future “health emergency”. The target date for these new WHO powers is 2024.
Behind the scenes of the UN, the World Economic Forum (WEF), led by the sinister Klaus Schwab, has been working away for the last 50 years, building global networks of influence and putting together the world of public-private partnerships (in the 1930s this was called fascism). Through its Young Global Leaders program, the WEF has become influential in furthering the global agenda by positioning key people to lead national governments. The phrase “build, back, better” promoted by the WEF was a phrase used by various Western leaders in 2021 and 2022
one suspects as a public demonstration of their fealty to the WEF. A number of the key players in the globalist agenda, notably Klaus Schwab, could see that the COVID-19 “pandemic” provided an opportunity to implement new control and monitoring tools and progress the idea of what Schwab calls the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” – a transhumanist nightmare, where we will own nothing and be happy – and where “they” will own everything and be much happier!
COVID-19 and the “Vaccines”
Undoubtedly, COVID-19 has changed all our views of the world although it does seem that many of us have short memories. Most people appear to be returning to “normal” lives with some type of global amnesia syndrome, which I can only attribute to the “vaccines”. Most people that I meet seem to have returned to life as though what we experienced was just a temporary “blip” on the radar screen and there is no particular significance to the overreach of dictatorial governments.
The lockdowns, tyrannical overreach and forced vaccinations seem to have been forgotten or considered to be simply governments working very hard to “keep us safe”. However, a few months into the “pandemic” the extraordinary propaganda machine that was kicked into top gear by all Western governments seemed out of proportion to the threat. I started to read a variety of information sources and discovered that even the original virus had an extremely low mortality rate for those under 70 years of age. Furthermore, treatments such as hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, zinc, quercetin and ivermectin appeared to be effective in ameliorating the disease. I watched clips of Dr Vladimir Zelenko - speaking of his experiences in treating COVID-19 and then other now infamous doctors and scientists: Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Geert Vanden Bossche - providing a completely different perspectives to that of the government-supported public health “experts”. Clearly, there was something sinister happening because any alternative views were being censored that were not consistent with those of governments. These were narratives being promoted night and day via various mainstream media groups, which were being financially propped up by billions of dollars in government advertising.
The fact that there was something more sinister at play became clear when I listened to a podcast by James Delingpole featuring Patrick Wood. I have included a link to the podcast which although it came out in November 2020,, remains relevant and compelling. Suddenly the scales fell from my eyes and the technocratic plans that had been in the pipeline for almost 100 years, suddenly became clear. During our family Christmas in 2020, we presented to the family some of the important information about technocracy, after reading some of Patrick Wood’s books. These books included: Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order and Technocracy Rising.
Not long after this, the “vaccines” became available and I realized that the relentless promotion of these virtually untested biological agents, followed by the requirement for “vaccine passports” betrayed a much more significant agenda that was part of a global technocratic control mechanism.
Now those who are against vaccines are being presented by the WHO as extremists who are a threat to society. It was quite alarming to see this clip from the WHO being posted on various social media sites this week.
Dr Peter Hotez from the WHO described anti-vaccine activism as “anti-science aggression” and claimed that “200,000 Americans needlessly lost their lives” because they refused vaccination. Horrifyingly, Dr Hotez claims that “anti-science kills more people than things like gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation and cyberattacks…and it is linked to extremism on the far right….and so we need political solutions to address this”.
It is clear that the call for “political solutions” means the imposition of various laws to deal with “anti-vaxxers” and in the days ahead there will be a global push for mandatory vaccination.
The Truth About Wuhan and Excess Mortality
I have been reading the new book by Dr Andrew Huff “The Truth About Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History” and it is compelling from the view of an insider who unwittingly became involved in the “gain of function” research conducted at the Wuhan laboratory in China. Dr Huff had identified the massive market associated with pandemics: vaccines, medical equipment, R&D etc and includes his article about this (that he couldn’t get published) in his book. He noted that “….in many cases, organizations are profiting from epidemics and pandemics”. He recommends a complete international ban on “gain of function” research but notes that this will be hard to police and control. Because the US Department of Defense is involved in secret projects, the research undertaken is not available for public scrutiny. The role of the US government, the Chinese government and various scientists doing secret work on what are effectively bioweapons, will probably never be made fully known.
Rebecca Weisser has written a short article in the Australian Spectator magazine that provides a very helpful perspective – Pandora’s Lab - summarizing some of the key findings from Dr Huff’s book as well as other important information in relation to “pandemic” and vaccines. She writes:
“The diabolical predicament in which we find ourselves is that Operation Warp Speed and its successor under President Biden, was run, at the highest levels, by the military not by vaccine developers, and the products are deemed to be military medical countermeasures. As a result, those in charge of producing them are also charged with regulating their safety and efficacy which they are not required to prove to anyone. They do this under the Emergency Use Authorisation Act (1997) which allows the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to dispense with normal safety and efficacy regulations in a public health emergency, if no other effective treatment exists. This provides an important incentive to disregard existing medication to treat Covid or to damn it as ineffective. It also explains why the more than 32,500 deaths and 1.47 million injuries which have been reported to the US database of Covid Vaccine Adverse Events through to 25 November, more than for any vaccine in history, can be ignored when other vaccine rollouts have been halted after 50 deaths.”
The other book that I have been reading is the outstanding analysis of “excess deaths” related to the COVID-19 vaccines by Ed Dowd, the former Blackrock analyst. The book is called “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022”. His starting point is “all-cause mortality” which is a reliable statistic that doesn’t fluctuate very much from year to year. He notes that “in 1933 about 1.4 million Americans died from all causes…. In 1955 and 1956 about 1.5 million Americans died from all causes. For 2017 to 2019 around 2.8 million Americans per year died from all causes.” In 2020, the first year of COVID-19, there was a small spike in deaths but not as high as would have been anticipated from the publicity. In 2021 and 2022 there was a 40% increase in all-cause mortality in people of working age (18-64 years old) that was unprecedented. Dowd makes the case that there is a clear association with the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines. The information also backs up many of the medical experts who have been warning about vaccine side effects which include heart and neurological problems as well as alterations to immune function. Dowd’s book is easy to read and includes a great deal of information about the “plague” of sudden death in young athletes, following vaccination.
The Coming Biosecurity State
I have been reflecting for some time on the significance of the biosecurity legislation imposed by most governments around the world that provided legal cover for lockdowns, wearing of face masks and compulsory vaccination. I first became aware of the significance of biosecurity legislation a few years ago when I consulted a leading workplace lawyer in relation to a relative who was about to be terminated from her job because she refused the COVID-19 vaccines. I discovered that the normal protections that one would anticipate in relation to overreach by an employer, had no validity because of the declaration of a state of emergency, with the suspension of normal freedoms and rights. In Australia, this was based on biosecurity legislation that had never previously been activated and I discovered that similar legislation was in place in most Western countries. In the US, this “state of emergency” which gives the US President extraordinary extra powers (128 in total), is still in place despite Joe Biden declaring some months ago that the pandemic was over.
I can recommend my readers take the time to watch two interviews with Dr Aaron Kheriaty, a Californian psychiatrist who has dared to stand up against the vaccination overreach by the State of California. The interviews are in two parts:
Part 1 - and Part 2, just released by the Epoch Times.
There also is an interesting interview with Dr Kheriaty in relation to his new book: “The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State”.
Dr Kheriaty is well-informed and articulate in an area that increasingly will impact the lives of everyone on the planet. He draws parallels with eugenics, a popular idea amongst intellectuals in Europe and the US in the 1920s and 1930s, to weed out the “less fit” in society and goes on to demonstrate how this policy was implemented in Nazi Germany. The Nuremburg Trials after WWII were an attempt by the Western allies to bring into the light the evil of medical tyranny. The defense mounted by the German doctors and bureaucrats were that they were following orders under German law. He notes that a similar overreach by government occurred with the coronavirus “pandemic” and normal individual protections were removed in the name of “biosecurity”. Dr Kheriaty outlines the future where the surveillance state is involved in every area of our lives and he notes that:
“Prior to and during the pandemic, climate change was reframed from an environmental issue to a public health issue. Soon it may be declared a public health crisis. Imagine a few years hence you receive a text on your phone: this notification explains that your carbon footprint is 23 percent above others’ in your age/race/gender category for your geographic region.”
Dr Kheriaty notes that the rise of the medical biosecurity state:
“begins with militarization of public health, leading to the melding of public health with the police powers of the state, facilitated by digital technologies of surveillance and control. Within this framework, real, known, present human goods are sacrificed on the altar of theoretical, unknown, future biological risks”.
His book and interviews are worthwhile taking the time to listen to, to read and digest because as he points out, we are at the intersection of two paths in society: the path of reason and the path of force. The biosecurity legislation is pushing us firmly along the road of force.
Dr Kheriaty ends his book with an imagined Seattle 2030, where currently available technology is used to totally control the city’s population. Cash has gone, facial recognition is used everywhere, social responsibility scores have been implemented and are backed up by access to digital currency, there is universal basic income, drones deliver everything and Seattle has become a “smart city” with digital governance. It is a terrifying view of the future and one that can be anticipated with existing technologies and charting the direction that society has moved with what is likely to be increasing use of biomedical emergency legislation.
It will be hard to hold out against the coming onslaught because of the convenience of technology that traps us into surrendering all our private data. This became clear to me when I was in Sydney last week and didn’t see anyone ever use cash or even a credit card but the digital wallet on their smartphone to pay for services. We need to be increasingly awake in local communities to work together to prevent this future becoming a reality.
Russia and Ukraine
With President Zelensky of Ukraine becoming Time magazine’s “person of the year”, the narrative about the brave Ukrainians and the evil Russians has moved into top gear in most of the West. Just 2 days ago, Zelensky visited the White House dressed in his signature fighting greens where he was lauded by Biden.
I have been fascinated by the way that a country, unknown to most, has become central in the supposed “fight for democracy”. I have been suspicious of the mainstream narrative from the early days because of the left-wing globalists who have been pushing the idea of a “noble” Ukrainian President and a sinister Russian President. It’s hard to believe that we in the West can put our trust in a former comedian whose main expertise is using video calls to Western parliaments to guilt trip the West into providing more munitions and money. Ukraine has been notable for more than 20 years as a den of corrupt politicians and this is evident from the payments of US$83,000 per month to Joe Biden’s son Hunter to sit on the board of Burisma Holdings, one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies. It was clear that Hunter had no expertise apart from access to his father Joe, then the US Vice-President.
From a Russian viewpoint, it is clear that NATO was moving further and further east, and the Russians believed that an invasion of Russia could be next if Ukraine joined NATO, as Ukraine had requested. From a Russian viewpoint, it then makes sense to invade Ukraine in a pre-emptive strike. It is hard to predict the outcome of the war but Ukraine has no resources of its own and undoubtedly Western governments will eventually tire of transmitting large amounts of cash to corrupt Ukrainian politicians. Currently the total sums are more than €100 billion of aid provided to Ukraine since January 2022.
While it is hard to understand all the forces that are at work in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, certainly it is different to what is being portrayed by most of the media. The Ukrainian conflict will continue to be a major global disruptor in 2023 and the threat of nuclear war cannot be ruled out.
A recent analysis that I found helpful from Associated Press -- noted that Moscow could adopt what was described by President Putin as a US concept of pre-emptive military strikes. The article notes that:
“John Erath, senior policy director for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, also viewed Putin’s statement as yet another attempt to raise the nuclear threat. He doesn’t quite say we’re going to launch nuclear weapons, but he wants the dialogue in the U.S. and Europe to be, ’The longer this war goes on, the greater the threat of nuclear weapons might be used,’” Erath said.
It is quite likely that NATO will be drawn further into the Ukraine-Russia conflict and undoubtedly what President Eisenhower described in 1961 as further control by the “military-industrial complex” -
I have noted that various writers, whom I appreciate and admire, try to provide a positive spin about the state of the world and while recognizing that things are looking grim, think that better days are ahead. I’m sorry to provide an alternative viewpoint but I am convinced that harder times are coming. A range of circumstances are being manufactured by various global leaders that will lead to further restrictions of freedom and surveillance and digital tools that will require a “mark” to be able to buy or sell, at some time in the future. Undoubtedly, we also are being pushed towards transhumanism and the fusion of man and machine.
It will be difficult to escape that net that is being manoeuvred into place to trap us all but each of us will have to determine where to draw the line and to stand up and say “no”. As Joshua said to the children of Israel as they gathered together before he died (Joshua 24:15):
“choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve” …. I attest along with Joshua that:
“But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD”.
This will be the most challenging road but ultimately the only road that leads to life.
Thanks Tanja. You are always encouraging and I appreciate your feedback. Crazy to think it is freezing in Europe and so Christmas here always seems like a completely different phenomenon. I’m hoping to buckle down and do some serious writing over the New Year. Best wishes to you and your family for Christmas and to paraphrase an old saying - there is a hope that only stands on the other side of faith.
I agree and the challenge is to understand what is happening behind the scenes and the intent. Whatever the case, you are right about a remnant and I suppose more and more it looks as though there has been a great and effective deception. I appreciate your thoughts.